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Redneck Bios
Welcome, Redneck fans (Formerly known as Rambler fans)!


God Bless the USA!

Dave at the Rockin' Horse

Rambler News:

Rambler is now Redneck again. 
Troy Chavez is no longer with the Brown brothers, neither is Dion Ortiz, at this time. 
Jimmy Brown is back on drums and Mike Godfrey? is playing lead guitar.

Rambler's favorite NFL teams:
Troy-Pittsburgh Steelers
Tim-Dallas Cowboys
Dion-Washington Redskins
Matt-Green Bay Packers
Dave-Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Tim and Dave-Ponca City


Dave (Bass) & Troy (Lead Guitar)

Please call your local radio stations and request Rambler.
They have released the following singles to date:
I Ain't Drinkin' Any Less


1989 Memory Lane


Tom (Fiddle) & Tim (Lead Vocals)

"If I'm sleeping, please don't wake me...Dreamin".

Gossip...yeh, right!!!

Be sure to let me know what you hear and I'll add it to this page!

Rambler rocks....come and see for yourself. ;c)
Redneck rocks, too...or again!!!